What’s the last thing you’d expect to find in the thickly wooded Belstone Cleave? Answer – a rifle range. 130 years ago, when the valley was devoid of trees, Ivy Tor Rifle Range was being used by the 4th Battalion Devon Rifles. Evidence of this range, including a good example of a mantlet, still exists. To discover this (and find out what a mantlet is) and other hidden treasures join a two hour ‘Secrets of Belstone Cleave’ guided walk led by Chris Walpole on Saturday 3 June. Meet outside Belstone Village Hall at 1.30pm – please note the early afternoon start as we want to be back in good time for cream teas and cakes in the hall. Dogs welcome but they must be on a lead as it is still the lambing and bird nesting season; walking boots advised, as there will be some steep and rough sections; donations invited for Hall funds (suggested donation for the walk £5; for the walk and refreshments £10).

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