Our churches are part of the Northmoor Team Ministry, which comprises 13 churches in the Okehampton area. Find out more about the Northmoor Churches at www.northmoorteam.org.uk
For enquiries about the churches, please contact the church warden:
Michael Ash: 01837 840082
For Belstone with Sticklepath PCC contact the secretary:
Wendy Bloor: 01837 659323
The Northmoor Team Rector is:
The Rev’d Stephen Cook, The Rectory, Church Path, Okehampton, EX20 1LW Tel: 01837 659297
Church Services For Belstone With Sticklepath December 2024
Sunday 1st December
10.30am Sticklepath Village Praise
4.00pm Belstone Christingle & Toy Service
Sunday 8th December
9.30am Belstone Holy Communion
Sunday 15th December
3.30pm Sticklepath Carol Service
6.30pm Belstone Carol Service
Sunday 22nd December
9.30am Belstone Holy Communion
Christmas Eve
4pm Belstone Traditional Crib Service
Christmas Day
9.30am Belstone Holy Communion
10.30am Sticklepath Holy Communion