. . . The Village Harvest Lunch is this coming Sunday 17th September, 12.30pm, Belstone Village Hall

A chance to see some of Chris Walpole’s very popular films with a range of village activities and village people from the last ten years, including Walter Shortage and the Hosepipe Banned, Jim Causley, ‘The Iron Man Jet Suit’ a couple of ‘Walpole Specials‘ , an art movie from the 1970s and much more! For those of you who have not seen Chris’s films before, you are in for a real treat – a reminisce and a lot of fun.

So do come and join us – just like the old days – when the residents would all get together to share a meal with everyone at Harvest or Christmas and have a chat and a laugh with friends. Why not bring your friends and family, to add to the fun?

Bring some food to add to the table to share. Bread & cheese provided – you bring the rest. Please also bring your own drink and glasses.

We do need approximate numbers so, if you plan to come, please contact Jo Robison 07733181715 OR Jo Currie 07745558580 who will also answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to seeing you at this great social event!

Scheduled Church & PCC Noticeboard