Wild Meadows – Thursday 23rd November 7.30pm Belstone Village Hall – John Walters. This evening is open to all – non members £4

John will be exploring the wildlife of Devon’s meadows including, barn owls, ballerina waxcaps, glow worms and chimney sweepers!

“I have been giving talks on natural history subjects for twenty years. These are a combination of my field sketches, photographs and video clips. I have thousands of images to choose from so am constantly adding new material to my presentations.”

John is an accomplished artist, ecologist, photographer and speaker, whose work has been featured on BBC Television. More information about his work can be seen at http://johnwalters.co.uk/

This is our pre Christmas meeting and will include coffee, mince pies and a raffle.

Membership for the year is £15 and there are still five meetings to go including this one. Our January meeting is ‘Gardening in a Changing Climate’ when our speaker is Sue Fisher. (January 25th 2024 7.30pm Belstone Village Hall) For further information please contact Robin: or Pat:

Scheduled Garden Club Noticeboard Wildlife