Gilby’s Big Belstone Tor Challenge fast approaches – this Saturday 4th September – meet outside the Tors Pub at 10am, ready to walk out onto the Moor with the North Dartmoor Search and Rescue team, together with Gilby on his All Terrain Scooter. All welcome.

This walking party will head towards the Nine Maidens – from where Gilby will be transferred into a Land-Rover for the next stage of the trip, around Winter Tor to the base of Irishman’s Wall; from here the NDSR Team will transfer Gilby to a stretcher for the final ascent to the top of Belstone Tor!  The NDSR Team have been provided with a new Land-Rover just for the day by  Matford Land-Rover Exeter, so Gilby can travel in style – thank you Matfords!

Walkers who would like follow the Land-Rover and gather at Irishman’s Wall will have a good view of the ascent! You may wish to bring a picnic or flask out onto the Moor to relax and enjoy watching the NDSR Team at work! It is anticipated that the NDSR Team will complete the ascent roughly midday, with a signal when they get to the top!

For those who do not wish to go out onto the Moor, we plan to start serving cuppas and cakes at Sweet Briar from about 11.00 am onwards; there is a distant view of Belstone Tor from here – but in addition – it is planned to have the ascent live-streamed! Gilby will have a ‘Go-Pro’ camera on his crash-hat – so those who remain at Sweet Briar will be able to watch the ascent in real-time on the screen at Sweet Briar. Bring binoculars to watch for the signal at the top too!

After the ascent – the team will return to Irishman’s Wall, and drive Gilby home to Sweet Briar.  For those who wish to enjoy the celebrations afterwards please do return to Sweet Briar – a cuppa, cake and a glass of fizz will await you there – all welcome. Some of the NDSR Team will be at Sweet Briar for the celebratory photo too, and then some will head to the Tors if you wanted to continue the celebrations there!

Can we take the opportunity to offer our sincere thanks to everyone in the village for their fantastic support and generous donations. North Dartmoor Search and Rescue will put all funds to good use, continuing their vital rescue work!

BBC Radio Devon will be doing a live interview with the Team around 7.45-8.30ish on 4th September, and they are interviewing Gilby beforehand to add to the broadcast that morning. In the meantime . . .

. . . Enjoy Gilby’s introductory video, filmed by Chris Walpole

Scheduled Noticeboard