Home » Parish Council Records » Invitation to ‘Bit of a Do’

Invitation to ‘Bit of a Do’

Registered Charity No. 300 761

Dear Michael and Fellow Councillors

By now you will have received the flier about the Village Hall Committee’s
‘Bit of a Do’ celebration in the Village Hall at 2pm on Saturday 18th
September. In the spirit of cooperation between our two organisations, I
would like to invite members of the Parish Council to join everyone at that

I am very much hoping that this will be a coming together of the village
after the last, difficult, few months and that as wide a cross section of the
village as possible will come along to enjoy a cup of tea and a chat.

I see from the minutes that the Parish Council are keen to pursue
community engagement and may see this as an opportunity for the village
to not only meet their new Parish Clerk, who may not be widely known to
all residents, but also an opportunity for us all to have an informal chat
about how we would like to see the village move forward.

I do hope you are able to attend, and I look forward to being able to meet
up with everyone once more.

Yours sincerely

Robin Hill (Chair Belstone Village Hall Management Committee)