The Belstone Hall’s ‘A Bit of a Do’ (and mini show) went ahead on 18th September, as planned. The sun shone, we were able to spread outside to enjoy the refreshments in the afternoon and it was much enjoyed by all who took part – thus achieving its objective of forgetting the ‘C’ word and giving us all a chance to get together and meet those we’ve not really seen or chatted to over the last 18 months.
A HUGE thanks to those who helped to plan and set up, provided cakes or helped run it on the day. A special thanks to those who took part in the very informal show and joined in the fun with some clever interpretations of the ‘rules’ and also to those people who came along in the afternoon – your donations for the refreshments made £137 for the Village Hall funds – an added bonus to the whole day.
The feedback from all who took part is that it was a huge success and should be repeated next year – so start planning your planting and look out for information on next year’s schedule, nearer the time!