Yes it’s that time again! Time to don the winter woollies and join the Children’s Hospice South West Belstone and Area Friends’ Group for their popular annual Snowdrop Sunday.

Andrews Corner, Skaigh Lane, Belstone EX20 1RD will be open on Sunday 13th February from 11.00am until 4.00pm. Entrance £5, children free. Parking in nearby field – well signed. NO BOOKING REQUIRED

As usual there will be CHSW promotional goods for sale, plus a steady supply of refreshments to keep you warm as you stroll around the garden. New garden trail for all the family to enjoy.

New and unusual snowdrops sometimes sell for incredibly high prices. We don’t think we have such a snowdrop at Andrew’s Corner but who knows . . . ? Why not come and see if you can spot one among the 100 or so varieties in the garden – some of which will be for sale.

For further information please contact Edwina and Robin Hill 01837840332 or

Scheduled Andrews Corner CHSW Friends Group Noticeboard