Plan for storage shed at Tor Cottage

Belstone Parish Council will be discussing the retrospective planning application for a replacement storage shed adjacent to Tor Cottage, Belstone.

Belstone Village Hall Meeting Room 7.30pm Tuesday 15th February 2022


2021/22-124 Disclosures of Interests

2021/22-125 Apologies for Absence

2021/22-126 Planning Application 0031/22 for Replacement storage shed (retrospective) at Land Adjacent to Tor Cottage, Belstone. Click on ‘View Documents’ to see the details.

Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting. It will be followed by a Parish Meeting in the main hall to discuss the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, where we invite everybody to come and participate.

The next full Parish Council meeting will be held the following Tuesday 22nd February.