NHS Logo for Digital Inequalities Survey

Belstone Parish Council have discussed the NHS Digital Inequalities Questionnaire which is looking at access to healthcare for people living in rural communities. Since Belstone is over 20 miles from the RD&E (or any other acute hospital) we are the sort of community that they are seeking to reach.

If you are interested in shaping the future of how GP and hospital appointments are run, do fill in this questionnaire so that the organisations can understand our needs.

The online version is here – NHS Digital Inequalities Questionnaire

You can also print out this PDF Version for those who cannot access the internet, or prefer to fill out a paper form. I can supply a printed version if required (Sally Fullwood 01837 849131). It can be sent to Richard Foxwell, Chair of Wellmoor, Green Hill, Fore Street, Moretonhampstead, TQ13 8LL.

There isn’t much time, the survey closes Mid March!