Belstone Parish Council Logo -For Parish Council Meeting


Join the Parish Council

Following the notice of a casual vacancy on Belstone Parish Council, and providing that there is no request for a by-election by the closing date, the vacancy will be filled by co-option. That means that the current councillors will vote to decide who will become a member.

Belstone Parish Council are holding a Co-Option Meeting on Tuesday 26th April. Two electors from the parish have already put forward their names for co-option.

If you would like to be considered for this position, you are asked to email the Clerk at the address below with a short application introducing yourself and detailing why you are the best candidate for the vacancy. Your application should arrive on or before Saturday 23rd April.

Clerk: Sally Fullwood, , 01837 849131, 5 Tor Down, Belstone, EX20 1QU

Agenda for a meeting of Belstone Parish Council to be held on 26th April 2022 in the Meeting Room at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Please note, due to Covid, masks may be worn and 2 m social distancing should be observed.

2022/23-23 Disclosures of Interests

2022/23-24 Apologies for Absence

2022/23-25 Discussion and questions to candidates

Councillors will ask questions to candidates based on their application statements.

Candidates will leave the room

2022/23-26 Councillor Discussion

2022/23-27 Vote

Councillors will vote by show of hands for their chosen candidate. A candidate must have the support of the majority of the councillors present and voting in order to be co-opted. The Chairman has a casting vote.

Candidates will return to the room

2022/23-28 Chairman will announce successful candidate

2022/23-29 Acceptance of Office

The successful candidate will sign the Acceptance of Office.

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday May 10th 2022 which will be the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting. The following Parish Council meeting will be June 7th 2022.