It is that time of year when we in Belstone listen out for the enduring sign that spring is here – the first cuckoo. Several residents heard it yesterday – Wednesday 20th April – but a reliable source tells us that it was heard 13 April ‘up towards Watchet’. Which leads us on to . . .

Dawn Chorus Walk

Why not get up with the lark . . . and the cuckoo . . . and the blackcap . . . and all the rest and join Chris Walpole on a Dawn Chorus walk around Belstone. Meet outside the Village Hall 5.30am Saturday 30 April. Stout footwear advised. Sorry no dogs. ‘Breakfast with the Birds’ – 8am in the Village Hall – cereals, toast, bacon rolls, hot drinks.

Suggested donations, £2.50 for the walk only or £6 for walk and breakfast, invited for hall funds.

Scheduled Noticeboard Village Hall Posts