A stem cell, or bone marrow transplant, replaces damaged blood cells with healthy ones. It can be used to treat conditions affecting the blood cells, such as leukaemia and lymphoma.

A close relative of Sarah, only 10 years old, has had sudden onset of bone marrow failure which causes severe anaemia and destroys the ability to fight infection and clot the blood. The best hope of successful treatment is a bone marrow/stem cell transplant. A good enough match has not been found within the family or within existing donors so we need to spread the net. Can you help?

Initial screening is done by a simple mouth swab. Donors need to be healthy and between 15 and 55 years old. Information about the whole process from screening to donation can be found on:


A stem cell, or bone marrow transplant, replaces damaged blood cells with healthy ones. It can be used to treat conditions affecting the blood cells, such as leukaemia and lymphoma.The more people who sign up, the greater the chance of finding a match for the 2000 or so people each year who need this treatment. Please spread the word to as many people as possible.

A Big Thank You to everyone
Sarah Porterfield