Unfortunately, due to current restrictions, we have decided to cancel the Christingle & Toy Service planned for the 6th December, along with the Crib Service normally held on Christmas Eve.
However, we still would like to collect for the Women’s Refuge in Torbay.
If you would kindly like to donate a new toy in aid of this charity, it would be most gratefully received. It would also be useful if the gift could be wrapped, labelled with the appropriate age and, if appropriate, gender. There will be a toy sack, until the 14th December, in St Mary’s Church, Belstone, which is open on Sundays for private prayer, from 9.30am to 4.30pm. Alternatively, please leave in the porch of Green Lodge. Many thanks for your generosity.
We hope to have the following services during December:
Sunday 13th December: 9.30am Belstone Holy Communion
3pm – 5pm Sticklepath ‘Light a Candle for Christmas‘
Sunday 20th December: 9.30am Belstone Morning Prayer
23rd December: 6.00pm Belstone Carol Service To be held outside, around the Village Christmas Tree, with readings & carols
24th December: 9.30pm Belstone ‘Midnight Mass’
Christmas Day: 10.30am Sticklepath Holy Communion