Open from 10.30am-4.30pm on Saturday 11th November in Belstone Village Hall. Admission free.
Yes, it’s that time again – Belstone’s ever-popular, annual Craft Fair will be in the Village Hall from 10.30am-4.30pm. Parking space opposite the hall, with Ploughman’s Lunches and a range of delicious home made soup and cakes on sale all day. There will be a wide range of craftspeople there, with ceramics, paintings, photos, cards, pottery, wood turning and jewellery – to name but a few!
An excellent place to do that special bit of Christmas shopping – or just browse – in a friendly and convivial atmosphere.
To give you a chance to look up our exhibitors and plan your shopping list, below is a list of the stallholders and their crafts.
- Rosie Brewer Hand-made from wood www.rosiebrewer.com
- Jen Bryant Landscape photography www.jenbryant.co.uk
- Sophie Cadogan Women’s Wear in Natural Yarns www.cadogans.co.uk
- Marielle Ebner-Rijke Artist/Printmaker www.marielleebner-rijke.co.uk
- Lillias Guyon Lampshades www.thecountrychildsco.uk
- Deborah Jones Designer Jeweller www.deborahjonesjewellery.co.uk
- Linda Lemieux Basketry www.woodandrush.net
- Mary Needham Painter & Printmaker www.maryneedham.co.uk
- Jenny Thirtle Feltmaker www.devonartistnetwork.co.uk
- Toni-Ann Bespoke Slate Products www.thefirepitshop.co.uk
- The Dartmoor Soap Company Natural Artisan Soap www.thedartmoorsoapco.co.uk
- Hilary Johnson Handmade leather goods www.hilaryjohnsonhandmade.co.uk
- Mike Watson Turned wood
- Judy Rogers Lampwork Bead Jewellery
- Jane Talbot Leatherwork
- Gill Dubey Potting Shed Ceramics
- Teresa Rodriguez Hand-made papier-mâché masks