Yes – it’s back! Open from 10.30am-4.30pm on Saturday 12th November in Belstone Village Hall. Admission free.

After a two-year break through the pandemic, the ever-popular Craft Fair is back with its usual variety of high quality crafts from craftspeople across Devon. Also on offer, all-day refreshments in the form of Ploughman’s Lunches, homemade soup and delicious homemade cakes. All proceeds to Village Hall funds.

So – why not come and join us here in Belstone, browse the stalls, chat with friends and do some of that special present buying, just in time for Christmas! So that you know what the Fair will hold, and to whet your appetite, below is a list of the exhibitors with website addresses. Why not sit down, at home, with a cup of tea (or glass of wine) and browse their wares in advance. Hope to see you on 12 November!

Scheduled Noticeboard Village Hall Posts