Saturday 9th November in Belstone Village Hall.
Open from 10.00am-4.30pm Admission free.
Belstone’s ever-popular, Annual Craft Fair is here again! Parking space in the Village Car Park, opposite the Hall – overflow parking in the Cricket Field. As usual we have Ploughman’s Lunches and a range of delicious home made soup and cakes on sale all day. An excellent place to do that special bit of Christmas shopping – or just browse – in a friendly and convivial atmosphere.
There will be a wide range of craft stalls and, to give you a chance to look up our exhibitors and plan your shopping list, below is a list of the stallholders and their crafts – with websites, where appropriate.
Jen Bryant Landscape photography www.jenbryant.co.uk
Marielle Ebner-Rijke Artist/Printmaker www.marielleebner-rijke.co.uk
Louise Gelson Hand stitched leather goods www.lgleatherworks.com
Deborah Jones Designer Jeweller www.deborahjonesjewellery.co.uk
The Country Child Parchment and Children’s Lampshades www.thecountrychildsco.uk
Shelagh Brown Textiles www.shelaghbrown.com
Mary Needham Painter & Printmaker www.maryneedham.co.uk
Paula Steer Lily Warne Wool www.lilywarnewool.co.uk
Debby Mason Marine Themed Etchings www.debbymason.com
Gill Dubey Potting Shed Ceramics www.pottingshedceramics.co.uk
The Dartmoor Soap Company Natural Artisan Soap www.thedartmoorsoapco.co.uk
Hilary Johnson Handmade Leather Goods www.hilaryjohnsonhandmade.co.uk
Judy Rogers Lampwork Bead Jewellery
David Gundry Pottery
David Bowden Wooden Toys
Mike Watson Turned Wood