On Sunday 17 September there will be a Family Harvest Festival Service at St Mary’s Church Belstone at 11.00 am

This will be followed at 12.30pm by a bring-and-share Harvest Lunch at the Village Hall. A piece of bread and cheese will be provided as well as tea/coffee at the end.  Contributions can be dropped in from 10.00am or brought with you at the start. Please also bring your own drinks/glasses.

Entertainment will be provided by Chris Walpole who will show some of his films. This will include some previously unseen footage as well as some old favourites!

There will be no charge but donations are invited towards the purchase of new bell ropes for the church.

We very much look forward to seeing you at either one or both of these events.

Please let us know approximate numbers for bread/cheese catering purposes.
Jo Robison: 07733181715
Jo Currie 07745558580

Scheduled Church & PCC Noticeboard