Belstone Parish Meeting for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Tuesday 15th February 2022, Belstone Village Hall, 8.15 pm
Would you like to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on the special Jubilee weekend 2nd – 5th June 2022? What should we do as a village? Come along to this public meeting to discuss your ideas, perhaps volunteer to be involved in the organisation of activities. Everybody is welcome, come and support your village.
A Parish Meeting is a village meeting for everybody to contribute, it is organised by the Parish Council, and the Council Chairman will chair it, but it is a public meeting, not a council meeting.
Buckingham Palace has announced a weekend of celebrations on 2nd – 5th June 2022 across the UK, the Commonwealth and around the world to mark the Jubilee. The Platinum Jubilee celebrates the Queen’s historic reign and 70 years of service.
Could we have a village party or a Jubilee Lunch? Belstone Commoners’ Association are organising the lighting of the Beacon. The Parish Council are hoping to plant a memorial tree, and engrave the coronation stone. Find out what is going around the country here.
Social Distancing will apply.
Belstone Parish Jubilee Meeting 15th February 2022

Further Details please contact Sally Fullwood – 01837 849131