On Sunday 5th December there will be a Christingle and Toy Service at 4pm in St Mary’s Church, Belstone.
We are asking for donations of toys for the Women’s Refuge, in Torbay. Please wrap and label toys with age and gender, if appropriate. Unfortunately, only new toys are allowed, due to Covid restrictions. Alternatively, toiletry gifts or vouchers can be donated for the women.
Jo Currie will be in charge of do-it-yourself Christingles. There will be candles, sharp pointed cocktail sticks and lots of sugar! Fun for all the family!
Jo will also be running the traditional Crib Service on Christmas Eve at 4pm, in the church. Again, there will be candles – as well as chocolate, carols and, hopefully, an animal visitor too!
If any children/young people would like to take part/be involved in the running of the Crib Service please come. There are lots of jobs available from centre stage to helping in other ways so, if you would like to be involved, please contact Jo on 840270.
Very much hope you can come.