North Quarter Representatives Actively Grazing at Least 10 Livestock Units
Nominations are required for two posts. Candidates, proposers and seconders must all be registered as actively grazing at least 10 livestock units on Common Land. If there are no more than two valid nominations, the candidates will be appointed. An election by ballot will be held if more than two nominations are received.
The following two members of the Commoners’ Council have served their 4 year term on behalf of the North Quarter and are eligible for re-appointment:
Mr Crispin Alford & Mr Michael Reddaway
Nomination papers are available from the Secretary, Dartmoor Commoners’ Council, 1 Canal Road, Tavistock, PL19 8AR: Tel: 01822 618892. Please note that nominations must be submitted to her office AT LEAST 7 WORKING DAYS before the date of the relevant election meeting. Nomination papers may also be obtained from .
All commoners nominated, nominating or voting must be registered with the Dartmoor Commoners’ Council & have paid their contributions for the current financial year.NO CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE ELECTION MEETINGS.
The Election Meeting will be held on Monday 6 June 2022, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at Okehampton Police Station Car Park, Barton Road, EX20 1NW