A quick reminder that the collection will be on the morning of 14th December between 9am-11.30am. Deliver your box/bag to the foyer of Belstone Village Hall or contact Joanna on 07745558580 if you would like someone to collect from you.
We very much hope that you will want to take part in this venture. Please include some staples, e.g. pasta, tea, tinned goods, as well as some more festive treats e.g. fancy biscuits, stollen, mince pies etc. Toiletries and laundry/cleaning products are also gratefully received. Perishables such as clementines and eggs are welcome but anything that needs refrigeration is not suitable for this particular project. In previous years people have been very creative and generous and included vouchers for the local butchers and for the cinema, as well as putting in treats for children such as small puzzles or felt pens and paper. Home made products such as Christmas cake or chutney would be lovely, but please list the ingredients.
For more information see the posters below, round the Village or contact Joanna.