(With thanks to the volunteers from North Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team)
‘Gilby’ (Gilbert) Taylor lives here in beautiful Belstone, with his wife Jane and they have an excellent view of Belstone Tor from their garden. Gilby has often wondered what the view would be like from the top of the Tor but, due to Multiple Sclerosis and having to use a wheelchair to get around, he never thought that would be possible. Even in his all-terrain mobility scooter, he is unable to get closer than the Nine Maidens Stone Circle – no possibility of making the ascent up that tantalising Belstone Tor . . .
. . . until now, that is! The amazing NDSART have come up with a cunning plan to make Gilby’s dream come true. Gilby will be able to ride his motorised scooter to Nine Maidens, where he will be taken by Landrover to the back of Belstone Tor and then, with Jane walking by his side, he will be stretchered up to the top, where the two of them can share a flask of coffee, just as they used to.
As a thank you, Gilby would like to raise money to support NDSART and, on the day, friends and neighbours are invited to walk with him as far as Nine Maidens and then continue to Irishman’s Wall where refreshments will be provided while they gather to watch Gilby’s ascent. The NDSART would prefer that no one else accompanies him, on this ascent.
For those who prefer not to join the walking party, there will be refreshments provided in the Taylors’ Garden (Sweet Briar, Skaigh Lane) where we will not be able see the actual ascent of the tor, we will see the flag erected, when the party reaches the top – so bring your binoculars. Our very own Belstone film maker, Chris Walpole, will be recording the occasion so there will be an opportunity to see the event, on video, at a later stage.
The planned date for this is the morning of 4th September but is, obviously, dependent upon both the weather and the NDSART team not being called elsewhere. Updates on dates, times, etc will be published nearer September.
Collecting tins will be there on the day but, in the meantime, if you’d prefer to donate money on Gilby’s ‘Just Giving’ page, the link is below. GO GILBY!!
The All Terrain Vehicle Nine Maidens Gilby & Jane