Regrettably, our wonderful golden Beacon will not be delivered in February (and probably March) due to the current lockdown. However, do not despair!
The February issue of The Beacon will be available online from 1st February on The Beacon website using the link here: https://www.thebeacon.website/february-2021
Obviously, our team of dedicated distributors are not permitted to leave their homes in order to deliver to so many within our communities. I am sure that you appreciate this is in the interests of the safety of us all.
I am grateful to the committee team for continuing to facilitate the website, advertising, and subscriptions.
Currently, subscriptions may be paid to your distributor or to me. Please put your payment in an envelope containing your name and address so that Louise can maintain a record. My postbox is accessible outside my front door. My house, Larksmead Cottage, is 100 yards up the hill from The Kings Arms. If you have any issues please contact Louise.
The Beacon Directory 2021 has been put on hold until we are in a position to celebrate the good news of local clubs, societies, organisations, activities, and events rising like a flock of phoenix!
Stay safe, stay well
Editor of The Beacon