Now the stollen has been in the shops for a while it is time to publicise repeat of Joanna’s ‘Reverse Advent Calendar’. Last year’s initiative of Christmas boxes for people in need, in the local area, was a resounding success and we hope it will be even better this year.

For those who are new to this – the idea of the Reverse Advent Calendar is to put in an item of food, toiletries, a few treat, etc every day during advent. The Belstone donations are due to be collected, by Joanna, on 16th December to coincide with the Village Hall Christmas Coffee Morning and 100 Club Draw, so that the boxes can be distributed in time for Christmas, to families in need. 3, East Street/The Community Kitchen will be our contact for distribution and each box will go directly to a family.

Last year people put in lots of staples like pasta and tins and cereal but also included some treats too (such as chocolate, fancy biscuits, Christmas. Perishables like fruit are welcome, as are vouchers from shops such as Luxtons, Martins and Boots. Home made things are also welcome but please write the ingredients on them in case of allergies. A number of people did joint boxes with a neighbour or friend and this worked really well too. It made a huge difference to local people and we hope we can build on this success. Please spread the word to neighbours and friends – if you live outside Belstone and would like to take part, you would be very welcome.

If anyone needs their box to be collected or would like advice on items to add, please contact Joanna Currie on 01837 840270.