Greener Belstone Meeting Logo

There will be a talk and question and answer event in Belstone Village Hall on 22nd April at 7pm, hosted by Greener Belstone and Cllr Lynn Daniel. We need as many residents to attend as possible to make this successful.

So many people have questions and dilemmas about these issues that we have arranged an area-wide talk inviting experts along to give us all a chance to hear the information and to ask questions.

The evening will be entertaining as well as informative – it isn’t going to be a dry dissemination of complicated facts. There will be items to see, such as an actual Smart Meter, and other items that will get passed around, depending on what questions arise.

We would really like to include people who are tenants in houses with prepayment meters. It is free entry, refreshments available and donations, if possible, to cover costs.

Further information from or
Hope to see you all there.
Cllr Lynn Daniel and Greener Belstone

Scheduled Noticeboard