St Mary’s Belstone celebrated its Matronal Festival on Sunday 13th August, with hymns chosen by members of the community, plus a starring role from Jim Causley who sang his, now well-known, song ‘The Archangel Way’ which he wrote specially for the launch of the Archangel’s Way pilgrimage route, which runs from Brentor to Chagford, with Belstone being a stopping point along the way. Jim has also written music to many poems written by his relative Charles Causley, one of which he sang for us. A wonderful moment in our beautiful church!

Many of you in Belstone may have noticed that there has been a considerable amount of re-pointing to the east wall of the church and we have to say a big ‘Thank you’ to the National Churches Trust for their funding support, which enabled us to do this and helped us to keep this historic building in our village.

On 17th September we celebrate Harvest in the church and this will be followed by A Bring and Share lunch, for all the village, in the Village Hall.
More to come about this, so watch this space and look out for posters.

Jim Causley Sings at the Matronal Service