Belstone sign and horses

As we come out of lockdown, and hopefully get back to some kind of normality, your village needs your support to get back to its welcoming, thriving best. The Village Hall is up and running again and most of our regulars have now re-booked; the online Village Hall calendar will give you an idea of what is happening over the next few weeks. The Village Hall committee took the decision to cancel the Village Fair and the Commoners the Beating the Bounds, this year, but both organisations hope that these will go ahead as normal next year.

Village Hall Tuesday 25th May 7.30pm. This is your opportunity, as electors, to hear about, or speak, on any matter of local interest. The meeting includes reports from Cllr James McInnes (DCC), Cllr Lyn Daniel (WDBC) and our local National Park Ranger, Ian Brooker.

Village Hall Thursday 27th May 10-12am The Village Hall committee are delighted to welcome back both residents and visitors to our Thursday Café. The first one is this coming Thursday – 27th May and will be run by Mel and Sharon, following strict Covid regulations. The committee are looking for volunteers to make cakes and help run the Café over the next few weeks. If you are unable to be there on a Thursday but would be willing to provide cakes for those who are running it, the committee would be very grateful. If you can help in any way, please contact the hall manager on 01837 840332 or

Village Hall Wednesday 2nd June 7pm This is your opportunity to talk to members of the Village Hall committee and find out what their plans are for the future, now that the hall is up and running again. The hall committee would be delighted to welcome new members to help support this vital part of village life.

The Parochial Church Council is looking to appoint a new treasurer. The treasurer does not have to be a member of the PCC or the Church Electoral Roll but would, of course, be required to report to the PCC who meet 4 or 5 times a year. If you would be interested in taking on this role or would just like to have further information, please speak to Simon Herbert on 01837 840693