Belstone Parish Council Logo -For Parish Council Meeting

New Member needed to join Belstone Parish Council

Belstone Parish Council has a vacancy following the resignation of Paul Boyce. We are hoping to co-opt (formally admit) a new member to join us at the Parish Council meeting on January 15th. The Parish Council is the smallest layer of local government, nearest to the community. It is nothing to do with the church, and is not political.

The Parish Council works with the larger local authorities, West Devon Borough Council, Dartmoor National Park and Devon County Council, to solve any issues in the village. We are currently working to reinstate the lamp that used to be on top of the Coronation Stone; we manage the car park, the stocks, the pound and the memorial seats in and around the village. We administer a charity called the Skaigh Wood Trust which owns and manages the woods at the bottom of Skaigh valley, on the other side of the river, for the benefit of Belstone residents.

We currently meet once every two months in the Village Hall on a Monday evening. This is a trial for a year, the meetings used to be every six weeks. Between meetings councillors could research topics of interest which could help the community, carry out some practical work around the village and read the information sent out by the Clerk.

For further information on local councils please read this information from the National Association of Local Councils or watch this video about making a change

If you would be interested in getting more involved in village life, please contact Sally Fullwood, Parish Clerk on or 07855 959554 before noon on 21st December.

There will be a short form to fill in, and you will be asked to prepare a short written statement introducing yourself and detailing why you are the best candidate for the vacancy.

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