Belstone Parish Council Logo -For Parish Council Meeting

Agenda for the Belstone Parish meeting on Parking on 11th September 2023 in Belstone Village Hall, Meeting Room at 7.30 pm

All welcome

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Parking in Belstone Village

Agenda for the Belstone Parish Council meeting on 11th September 2023 in Belstone Village Hall following the Parish Meeting

2023/24-072 Disclosures of Interests

To receive disclosures of personal & prejudicial interest from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting.

2023/24-073 Apologies for Absence

To record any apologies for absence and reasons. For resolution.

2023/24-074 Public Participation Session

This item is limited to 15 minutes and will be conducted in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Council, which are available to read on the website.

2023/24-075 Minutes

To resolve that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 24th July 2023, previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.

2023/24-076 Borough & County Councillor Statements

To receive any reports from Cllr Lynn Daniel or Cllr James McInnes.

2023/24-077 Chairman’s Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chairman or Vice-Chair.

2023/24-078 Clerk’s Report

To note the Clerk’s Report, previously circulated.

2023/24-079 Planning

To agree a response to any applications which may arise after the agenda publication.

2023/24-080 Pattern of Meetings

To agree the pattern of meetings going forward, and the date for starting any changes.

2023/24-081 Jubilee Plaque

To note any progress with the receipt of the new plaque.

2023/24-082 Coronation Lamp

To receive any updates regarding the installation of a lamp, and agree on subsequent actions.

2023/24-083 Parking

To discuss the feedback from the Parish Meeting about parking in the village.

2023/24-084 Finance

A. Recent Transactions

• No Expenditure. Income – refund from HMRC £184.67.
• Total Balance (04/09/23) £4,010.46 (including £620 election reserve, £29.89 Car Park Reserve)

B. Payments

To agree the following payment:
• Clerk’s Salary July to Sept £515.66,
• Clerk’s attendance at Devon Association of Local Councils Conference and AGM £45.00 + VAT (£22.50 when split with Sticklepath Parish Council).

C. Signatories –

To agree whether the Clerk should be a full signatory on the Council bank account.

2023/24-085 DALC Proxy Voting

To agree whether to vote as a Council at the DALC conference.

2023/24-086 Housing Surveys

To agree any actions to publicise the local Housing Needs Survey by West Devon Borough Council, and to agree Council responses to the Devon Housing Commission survey.

2023/24-087 Accounts Software

To agree whether to try out low-cost accounts software (£12 a month or less)

2023/24-088 Broadband and Mobile Phone Survey

To agree any action in response to the Dartmoor National Park Authority review of network provision.

2023/24-089 Items for Next Parish Council Agenda

To receive any items for the meeting scheduled on 23rd October 2023. Mid-year Budget is due.

Scheduled Noticeboard Parish Council Meetings Parish Council Posts