Agenda for a meeting of the Belstone Parish Council to be held on 27th July in the Meeting Room at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm
2021/22-28 Disclosures of Interests
To receive disclosures of personal and prejudicial interest from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting.
2021/22-29 Minutes
To resolve that the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on the 15th June and 29th June 2021, previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.
2021/22-30 Apologies for Absence
To record any apologies for absence and reasons.
For resolution.
2021/22-31 Borough Councillor Statement
Lynn Daniels is unable to attend this meeting, but has sent a statement (attached).
For Information.
2021/22-32 Chairman’s Announcements
For Information.
2021/22-33 Parish Council Website
To resolve the administration of, and continued payment for, the hosting and maintenance of the Parish Council Website on Robin and Edwina Hill have been invited to speak with the council at this meeting on this matter.
For resolution.
2021/22-34 Car Park Actions
• The Commoners have been asked to put more rocks around the edge of the Car Park and Great Green. For Information.
• Resolution to put a drawing of the ideal car park layout (Minute 2021/22-16) is in progress. For Information.
• Resolution to put up temporary sandwich boards (Minute 2021/22-16). This should be A-Frame boards, information in Clerk’s Report. For Resolution.
• To resolve the need to take down the tree guards around the trees in the Car Park, and provide a new support for the car park noticeboard. For delegation and resolution.
2021/22-35 Training for Councillors
Teresa Weaver to report on any DALC Training courses for councillors.
For Information.
2021/22-36 Payroll
Belstone Parish Council currently pays £120 a year to West Devon Borough Council to do the payroll for the Parish Clerk. It is possible for the Clerk to do the payroll at no cost through the HMRC online tools, and Sally is happy to do this.
For resolution.
2021/22-37 Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) Membership for Clerk
The Clerk’s Job Description suggests that she should join the SLCC. A leaflet is attached listing the benefits of membership. This would provide the clerk with advice resources and a local mentor. The fee would be £72 this year and £67 in subsequent years.
The Local Government Act 1972 s 143 (1) (b) states that, ‘a local Authority may pay reasonable subscriptions, whether annually or otherwise, to the funds of any association of officers or members of local authorities which was so formed.’
For resolution.
2021/22-38 Greener Belstone
Teresa Weaver to report on Greener Belstone actions.
For Information.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday September 7th 2021 in the Meeting Room of Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm.