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Belstone Parish Council Risk Register



(02.03.04) (amended 02.10.07,  09.04.13, 11.01.22, 17.01.23), Latest amendment 20.05.24

Topic Identified hazard and riskPeople at RiskControl measures  Risk Level (after mitigation)ActionResponsibility
Precept1Precept not submittedClerkDiary to be kept and reported by RFO to Council meetingsLowDiaryRFO
 2Precept not received  MembersRFO should report information provided by WDBC of expected date of receipt of each stage of precept (also record in diary).  RFO to check with bank if these payments have been made, to contact WDBC if not made and report to Chairman and Council.  Receipt of instalments to be reported and minuted.LowDiary and reconciliationRFO
 3Adequacy of PreceptMembersRegular review of budget to actual. Full checking of proposed budget by CouncilHighScrutinyCouncil
Financial Expenditure4Loss of funds: improper payments.Members ClerkAppropriate control exercise by the Council:
Invoices to be examined and signed as correct by the Chairman.
Council approval of any expenditure voted and minuted.
Expenditure only up to amounts agreed in the approved budget or guaranteed  income from grants. (To be minuted)
RFO to report regularly on receipts/payments made under budget headings.  Mid-year report to Council.
Cheques drawn on bank account to be signed by two Council members.
Cheque counterfoils also to be signed.
No blank cheques to be signed.
No cheques to be made payable to cash.
Bank statements to be checked and signed by Chairman.
Proof to be gained of correct use of Section 137 payments.
All online payments to be authorised by 2 council members.
List of Direct Debits to be reviewed annually.
LowScrutiny  RFO/Council
 5Internal Audit: inadequateMembersInternal Auditor to be someone used to dealing with accounts. Internal Auditor writes a detailed annual report testing the Council’s financial procedures.  This to be based on existing template.
Report to be discussed and agreed/acted upon by the Council.  This to be minuted.  
 6Loss of funds:  fraudMembers ClerkMandatory Fidelity Guarantee Insurance in place for adequate sum per Financial Regulations.(Balances plus 50% of precept) Regular Reporting to members. Internal AuditLowScrutinyCouncil
 7Inadequate balances to cover contingencyMembers ClerkBalances =100% of precept as per external audit advice. Members to consider Reserves Policy built into Financial Regulations.LowRecordsRFO
 8VAT not recoverable (over three years to claim)Members
Claim annually.  Record due date in diary.  LowDiaryRFO
Staff9Loss of key personnel (RFO/clerk)Members
Oversight of hours, heath, stress and training by appointed councillors.
Annual Assessment
Councillors trained to undertake tasks, instructions for processes.
Vice-Chairman to have admin access to email and data systems.
Locum Panel of experienced Parish and Town Clerks provided by the Society of Local Council Clerks able to assist in an emergency
LowScrutiny DocumentationChairman/Vice Chairman
Assets10Loss or Damage to Council assetsPublicInsurance: adequate cover for property damage. Annual review of value of assets and update of insurance cover. Annual inspection, recorded in minutes.MediumDiaryRFO
 11Health and Safety on Council landPublicPublic Liability Insurance in place.  Annual inspections of council property carried out and remedial work put in hand.LowDiaryRFO
 12Loss or unintended release of dataMembers/ClerkData Protection/Privacy Policy in place. Training of clerk and councillors in the proper use of data.
All documents kept on drive in the cloud with automatic backup.
LowPolicy TrainingClerk Council
Meetings13Pandemic requiring lockdown including no face-to-face meetings.ClerkDelegate to the Chairman and Clerk decisions regarding payments.
Use of virtual meeting technology
 14Failure to achieve quorum at meetings – business not transacted; decisions not made.Members
Issue annual meeting calendar to all members. Issue meeting agendas promptly.
Record attendance, contact members who fail to attend meetings

Risk Assessment Carried Out by: The Clerk Sally Fullwood 13/05/24
Validated by: Members of Belstone Parish Council
Signed on behalf of Belstone Parish Council: Michael Ash (Chairman)   20/05/24

To be reviewed January 2025