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Application Form for donation of a memorial bench in Belstone


Conditions for the donation of a memorial bench in Belstone

The formality of these conditions is due to insurance terms and other factors to which Belstone Parish Council is subject.  If you are able to accept them, please fill in the details overleaf, sign and return by post or email to:

Belstone Parish Clerk, 
5 Tor Down,
EX20 1QU

1.  Belstone Parish Council is not able to offer donors a free choice of location.
An unregulated scatter of seats would not be desirable either in terms of amenity or for insurance cover.  Any seat would have to be easily accessible for villagers and visitors, for regular inspection by the Parish Council and also for removal of the seat if it became unsafe.  Furthermore, the Common Land in and around the village is subject to the rights of both the Belstone Commoners and the Lord of the Manor, and it has been agreed with them that the number of seats should not exceed the existing total of twenty.

2.  From the time that it is delivered and installed in position, the seat must be deemed to be the property of Belstone Parish Council.  The reason for this is that the Council will be liable under its Public Liability insurance cover for any claim against it which is connected to use or placement of the seat.

3. Because of the requirements of Insurance and Health and Safety regulations, Belstone Parish Council’s policy is that any donated seat must be sturdy and heavy duty in construction and be made of material that is robust, durable and long-lasting.  It must be able to withstand the weathering impact of the Dartmoor climate and it is for these reasons that the Council must insist on these conditions.

4.  The Council does not have the resources to take on the responsibility for maintenance of donated seats, and therefore it grants donors the enduring right to arrange any necessary repairs and revarnishing/oiling etc (in so far as this is in keeping with the original design of the seat).  However, for Insurance purposes, all seats will be inspected annually by the Council, and seats must be adequately and promptly repaired.

5. In the end, of course, any seat will have its own life expectancy, and if a seat becomes unsafe, or uninsurable, Belstone Parish Council will be responsible for ensuring that it is removed and disposed of without delay.  However, in this event, the Council will make every effort to check with the donor, or the donor’s family, as regards disposal or possible replacement.

Application to site a memorial bench in Belstone Parish

Date: ………………………………

Name(s) of Donors: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Email: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Correspondence Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Connection with Belstone Village: …………………………………………………………………………………………….


I/We agree to the conditions of placing a memorial bench in Belstone Parish, and understand that we are responsible for maintenance and/or replacement of the bench should it become necessary.

Signed: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

For Official Use:

Location of Seat: