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Explanation of Variances 2022-23

Explanation of Variances

Name of smaller authority:Belstone Parish Council
County area (local councils and parish meetings only):Devon County Council

Next, please provide full explanations, including numerical values, for the following that will be flagged in the green boxes where relevant:
• variances of more than 15% between totals for individual boxes (except variances of less than £200);
New from 2020/21 onwards: variances of £100,000 or more require explanation regardless of the % variation year on year;
• a breakdown of approved reserves on the next tab if the total reserves (Box 7) figure is more than twice the annual precept/rates & levies value (Box 2).

 2021/222022/23VarianceVarianceExplanation Required?
1 Balances Brought Forward2,9992,719  Explanation of % variance from PY opening balance not required – Balance brought forward agrees
2 Precept or Rates and Levies2,5253,40888334.97%YES – Higher Precept required to fund increase in Clerk’s hours in order to do website.
3 Total Other Receipts275285011854.41%YES – Two grants received 2022/23 £350 for Jubilee celebrations. Higher VAT Claim and compensation from bank.
4 Staff Costs1,3282,3481,02076.83%YES – Clerk’s Hours increase to 3.5 from 2.5 for website work. Bonus paid for saving payroll costs.
5 Loan Interest/ Capital Repayment0000.00%NO
6 All Other Payments1,5041,030-47431.52%YES – One-off Jubilee expenditure and Clerk’s training in 2021/22. Expenditure returned to normal level in 2022/23
7 Balances Carried Forward2,7193,277  NO
8 Total Cash and Short Term Investments2,7193,277  NO
9 Total Fixed Assets plus Other Long Term Investments and Assets3,8173,81700.00%NO
10 Total Borrowings0000.00%NO