Parish Council Accounts Summary 2024

Belstone Parish Council Accounts Summary 2023-24
For presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting on 29th April 2024
Total expenditure 2023-24 £3,884.96
Expenditure | Amount | Percentage of total expenditure | Comments |
Cost of Clerk | £2,228.21 | 57% | |
Car Park Repairs | £611.11 | 16% | These were covered by donations from local businesses and organisations. |
Coronation Engraving | £385.20 | 10% | |
Admin and overheads Costs | £324.00 | 8% | Subscriptions, fees, audit, training, hall rental, stationery, repairs etc |
Insurance | £145.80 | 4% | |
Website and Emails | £130.64 | 3% | |
Grants to Charities | £60.00 | 2% | |
Total | £3,884.96 | 100% |
Money was also put into ear-marked reserves for possible election costs £160 and for future car park repairs £75. This year’s expenditure on the car park was covered by donations.
The Council had budgeted for expenditure of £5,163, intending to take money out of reserves. However this was not needed as there was no election, the coronation engraving was less expensive than estimated and the contingency was not needed.
This compares to total expenditure:
2022-34 £3,378.20
2021-22 £2,831.86
2020-21 £2,230.97
Total income 2023-24 £4,432.00
Income Source | Amount | Percentage of total income |
WDBC Precept | £3,500.00 | 79% |
Car Park Donations | £610.00 | 14% |
Tax Refund | £184.67 | 4% |
VAT Refund | £137.33 | 3% |
Total | £4,432.00 | 100% |
Council Budget 2024-25 £5,935.84
The budget for the financial year starting 1st April 2024 was agreed in November 2023. The precept (the money that the Parish Council receives through Council Tax) increased by £245 to £3,745 or £30.03 a year for an average (Band D) property. This is a 5.89% increase in the rate for a Band D property, or £1.67 for the year.
The increase is to allow for inflation, cover a possible new noticeboard and training for councillors and clerk. It is hoped that the project to reinstate the lamp will be covered by grants.