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Belstone Parish Council Public Seating Policy


Public Seating in Belstone Policy

  1. That the Parish Council will maintain a definitive inventory of all the existing sites for seating.
  2. That the overall number of sites to be covered by the Parish Council insurance policy (and therefore subject to Parish Council responsibility) will be restricted to that covered by the current inventory.
  3. The Parish Council will have discretion to accept a replacement location for any vacant site, subject to the agreement of the Belstone Commoners and the Lord of the Manor. Such a location will need to satisfy two key criteria:
    a) Is it sited so as to serve a useful purpose for a significant number of villagers and visiting public?
    b) Is it reasonably accessible for regular inspection by the Parish Council in accordance with the requirements of its Public Liability Insurance Cover?
    Whenever such a replacement site is agreed then the inventory shall be amended accordingly.
  4. That new applications to donate seating will therefore only be considered either for vacancies amongst the existing sites or on sites proposed as replacement for one or other of the existing sites.
  5. That, given the finite number of sites, new applications to donate seating will only be considered from those who are either resident in Belstone or have close links to the village.

Date of Policy: 11th January 2022
Supersedes: 21st April 2006
Date of next review: January 2027

For application form and conditions please click here.