Many of you have noticed that Okehampton Glass have been outside the Village Hall most of the week. The Village Hall trustees are delighted to say we have had new energy-efficient doors and windows installed throughout. This work was vital for the hall; some of the old timber windows were rotting and well past their useful life, also the older style UPVC windows were not as efficient as modern versions. So, this work will save on our energy bill – and our carbon footprint too – and of course longer term maintenance costs! It should also mean that the hall is warmer for users with less draughts! Equally important, in doing this work we have been able to bring all our fire exit doors up to current regulations e.g. for wheelchair egress.
We have been so fortunate that these works were mostly funded by grants obtained from the National Grid Community Matters Fund, and also from the Bernard Sunley Foundation – and we send a big thank you to both these organisations, without whom we could not have completed this major work program.
Equally, we send a big thank you to Andy, and all the wonderful folks at Okehampton Glass who have provided endless help and support throughout this complex process. We think you will agree they have done a superb job!
Last, but by no means least, thank you to hall users/hirers this week for your patience whilst this vital work was undertaken.
We would also like to record grateful thanks from us all to Jane Taylor for all her hard work obtaining grants for this project.