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Parish Council Meeting – November 2022

Belstone Parish Council Logo - for Parish Council Meeting


Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held 29th November 2022 in the Meeting Room of Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Councillors Present

Michael Ash (Chair), Susan Norrish, Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Jon Pike (acting also as Clerk)

Also Present

Cllr Lynn Daniels (WDBC) to item 2022/23-125 only

2022/23-121 Disclosures of Interests

Chair disclosed an interest in Belstone Cricket Club

2022/23-122 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Weaver, Cllr Hill
Apologies also received from members of the public Michael Reddaway, Peter Wood and Douglas Little

2022/23-123 Public Participation Session

No members of the public were present

2022/23-124 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 18th October 2022 were signed as a correct record.

2022/23-125 Borough & County Councillor Statements

• Cllr Lynn Daniel’s report was noted:-
Electoral Registration – those households unregistered will be contacted by WDBC
South Zeal Community store – grant applied for from Plunkett Foundation. Survey link here https://freeonlinesurveys.com/s/k5CPEP4f for individual comment
Parkway Station – decision on Level Up funding application anticipated by year end

2022/23-126 Chairman’s Announcements

Chair reported he had removed a fallen oak branch from the car park.

2022/23-127 Clerk’s Report


2022/23-128 Asset Inspection

Cllr Cooper will paint the new sign directly once the weather improves. Gate has been mended.

2022/23-129 Planning

A. New applications:

2294/22/FUL Okehampton Hamlets Parish – Installation of 10 EV electric vehicle charging stations within the car park of Country Lanes Garden Centre – position noted (outside of Parish) without objection.

B. Outcomes of previous Planning Applications :

• 0320/22 The Retreat (No objection) Grant Conditionally – noted
• 0372/22 Land South of Moorland House (Objection) Permission refused – noted
• 0304/22 Burl (Objection) Still processing – noted

2022/23-130 Muddy Lane

DNPA’s erection of the new sign at Tongue End side of the Lane was noted
ACTION POINT – Clerk to approach DNPA to request similar but more visible sign at Skaigh Farm end

2022/23-131 Speeding

Highways prior advice that funding for new official speed signage was not an option
ACTION POINT – Clerk to approach Highways requesting the re-painting of the 3 x existing but faded “SLOW” road markings on the approaches to the Village as a first step before other options continue to be considered

2022/23-132 Hedge Cutting in Skaigh Lane

Following advice from a member of the public, it was noted that some alterations (an iron stake and boulders) have been made to the bank by a stone marker-post in Skaigh Lane which is now potentially obscured. Also, that several privately owned hedgerows facing Skaigh Lane were overgrown
ACTION POINT – Clerk to approach Highways to advise them of the marker post position for their review
ACTION POINT – Clerk to send / deliver generic letter to Skaigh Lane hedgerow owners reminding them of their responsibility to maintain all hedgerows on the lane to Highways standards

2022/23-133 Cricket Club Donation

A prior request for a donation to BCC, since supported by member of the public correspondence, was considered as part of setting the 2023/2024 budget. It was agreed that the precept was an inappropriate financial vehicle to provide a meaningful donation and that any nominal s137 grant donation should comply with Parish Council policy for those organisations with charitable status only. Request fully acknowledged but accordingly declined.
ACTION POINT – Clerk to formally advise BCC of the decision

2022/23-134 Finance

Recent Transactions – all noted.
Payments due – all authorised:

  • Clerk’s Gross Wages (including £72.71 back pay after 2022/23 pay rise agreed) £588.37
  • Training for Clerk on Elections £18
  • Transfer to Elections Reserve £160 as budgeted.

2022/23-135 Dates for next year

Cllr Hill requested by email if future meeting dates could be moved away from Tuesdays. A willingness for flexibility was agreed albeit noting that other days of the week are likely to have potential clashes for other Councillors. Agreed to adopt the Tuesday dates as presented for now (other than 23/10/23 that should be 24/10/23) but dates would be revisited at our next meeting to see if there could be the odd scheduled change subject to other Cllrs, the Clerk’s and the Village Hall ‘s availability.
ACTION POINT – Clerk to note correction of the Oct 23 date

2022/23-136 Election Preparation

It was agreed to adopt the statutory notice period and publicity for any potential May 23 election

2022/23-137 Cattle Attacks

Noting that correspondence for the recent incident has been circulated to those bodies that hold responsibility for cattle on the moor, it was agreed to consider any further action in light of the responses received

2022/23-138 2023/24 Budget

The draft budget / precept calculation for the full year to 2024 was considered on a line-by-line basis with the principles that any Coronation expense would be covered by general reserves / donations at that time and that generally expenditure would need to increase in line with inflation whilst looking to keep any increases to a minimum in light of the current economic circumstances
Potential year on year increase limited to 4% to be finalised at the January meeting
ACTION POINT – Cllr Pike to provide assistance to the Clerk in reconciling the past financial statements and amend the draft budget in line with discussions

2022/23-139 Items for Next Agenda

• Confirmation of Precept,
• Risk Assessments
• Finalise meeting dates

The meeting closed at 09:20.

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday January 17th 2023.