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West Devon February Report

West Devon Borough Council Parish Councils report February 2023

Levelling Up Fund Grant

No-doubt you will have heard the fantastic news that West Devon has been awarded £13.4m for a new parkway station and integrated transport hub at Okehampton through the government’s Levelling Up Funding programme.

This was a competitive process, and it is an example of both innovative thinking in its concept and exceptional joint working with colleagues at Devon CC in developing the bid.

 Council officers from WDBC led the bid with a DCC officer as the technical expert on transportation.

 The leadership and lobbying of DCC and WDBC councillors was also a key reason for success. Making the argument to government including during the former railways minister’s visit some months ago.

 It is fantastic news for Okehampton and for the Borough as a whole and I would also like to thank our Okehampton members who campaigned tirelessly for so long for the re-opening of the rail line, the success of which provided the springboard for this bid.

 The hard work of delivering the project starts now.

Next Steps

Who are the parties?  Delivering a railway station on a live railway line is actually difficult.  One of the reasons for that is the number of stakeholders and co-ordination that is required.  This bid is a collaboration between, DCC (the land owner and transport authority), GWR (the railway operator), Network Rail (the track operator) and WDBC (the planning authority).  Outside of those parties are all the other stakeholders who are all interested and will need to be informed.

What is the WDBC role?

WDBC’s  primary role in this project is as the Accountable Body.  That means WDBC has to sign up to a contract and binding agreement with DLUHC which sets out the rules and regulations for the project in exchange for the money (£13.5m).  WDBC are also the planning authority.

WDBC agreed with DCC as part of the bid, that they would take the lead in the project and that the financial risk of overspend would sit with DCC. They are the correct authority to lead the project because they are the transport authority with the resource and experience to succeed. 

WDBC will however play a crucial role, because they can’t outsource responsibilities as an Accountable Body.  In effect WDBC will act as the eyes of government on the project – a task that is both complex and of paramount importance.

What happens next?  

WDBC Leader and executive group meet with counterparts at DCC in the next two weeks.  Agreeing the MOU between DLUHC and the parties has started.  It is anticipated that this is signed in early Feb. Then move to the mobilisation phase. 

In the next month to six weeks, the principles from DCC, GWR, NR and WDBC will come together to kick off.  They will respectively need to identify the resource, establish the governance, agree roles and responsibilities and procure the technical teams, in accordance with the principles set out in the bid. 

Regular update son progress will be given.

Stakeholder Management

There has been an abundance of email traffic from residents offering their input into the project.  WDBC anticipates this continuing and rightly the project must engage with all the stakeholders.  WDBC will take time to set up the channels and arrange meetings as required.

Good news all round.

Cllr Lynn Daniel
February 2023