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West Devon September Report

Sea Moor Lotto – Raising Funds for Local Good Causes

Did you know that the Council operates a community lottery which raises funds for local good causes?Sea Moor Lotto LogoSeamoor Lotto is raising around £27,000 a year for 115 good causes, with the added bonus that people playing the lotto can win cash prizes. In a typical month, 3,000 tickets are sold for the lotto. A quick caveat, that the Lotto cannot be used to raise funds to deliver town/parish core functions.So if you know of a local community scheme that are looking to generate a regular monthly income source, why not check our Seamoor Lotto.

Do you Know a Young Green Hero?

There are now just two weeks left to nominate someone for a Mayor’s Young Person Green Award.Young Green HeroI am on the lookout for young people aged 4 to 11 who are doing great things for the environment. This could be an individual, school class or youth group, and examples can range from litter picking, a school eco project or something as simple as recycling more at home. There is a video where I spoke about why these awards are so important. Please share the video which can also be found on WDBC Facebook page.Do encourage your communities to nominate their young green heroes by Friday 29 September.To enter email me at   with pictures words and/or photos.Housing Needs Survey 

Please take part in the Housing needs survey. The roadshow is coming to Sticklepath on 25th September in the village hall between 2 to 3pm and then South Zeal village hall between 3.30 and 5.30. The information about what our local needs are for social rented and affordable housing will be gathered online and in person at the road shows. This will inform WDBC decision making and planning for South Tawton ward housing needs. If we don’t have evidence that people want this type of housing, we won’t be able to provide it. If you know of anyone who has had to move away or can’t afford to stay here or is in precarious accommodation, ensure they complete the form. There is potential for more social housing if your council know there is local need.  I hope to be at both road shows so you can talk to me too.

Cllr Lynn Daniel
September 2023