Gardening in a Changing Climate – Thursday 25th January 7.30pm Belstone Village Hall – Sue Fisher. This evening is open to all – non members £4

Sue has an extensive horticultural career spanning over 35 years. She regularly gives talks to garden clubs, appealing to all levels of interest and experience. Her talk entitled ‘Gardening in a Changing Climate: how to future-proof your garden will give, in her own words, “An overview of how climate change is affecting our gardens and how gardeners can deal with the challenges. The talk covers a wide range of topics, including garden redesign to cope with extreme weather; plant selection for the most vulnerable situations of shade and full sun; caring for the soil; gardenwise ‘recycling’ – including composting; tackling pest problems and nature-friendly gardening to boost biodiversity.”

Membership for the year is £15 and there are still four meetings to go, including this one. Our February meeting is ‘Isles of Scilly – The Peaceful Isles’ when our speaker is Paul Rendell. (February 22nd 7.30pm Belstone Village Hall) For further information please contact Robin:  or Pat: 

Scheduled Garden Club Noticeboard