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Parish Council Meeting – September 2024

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Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held on 9th September 2024 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Councillors Present:

Michael Ash (Chairman), Jon Pike (Vice-Chairman), Peter Cooper, Deborah Hosegood, Claire Grubb, Andrew Booth, Theresa Weaver
Also Present: Sally Fullwood (Clerk), Cllr Lynn Daniel (WDBC), 2 members of the public.

2024/25-053 Disclosures of Interests

Cllr Ash and Cllr Cooper disclosed an interest in the planning application item 57.

2024/25-054 Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

2024/25-055 Public Participation Session

There was no public participation.

2024/25-056 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 15th July 2024 were considered, agreed and signed as a correct record.

2024/25-057 Planning Applications

Cllr Ash passed the chairmanship to Cllr Pike. Cllr Cooper and Cllr Ash remained in the room.

A. Planning Applications

The following application was considered, and the response agreed, the architect who was present was able to answer some questions about it:

0342/24 Beacon View  Demolition of former extensions to replace with one and two storey rear extensions with link access to converted outbuilding plus new access and driveway at Beacon View, Belstone, EX20 1RABelstone Parish Council has no objection to the application, provided that consideration is given to alternative access to limit the effect on parking in the village and the visual impact of the changes to the verge and the bank.

The Council voted 3 in favour with 2 against.
Action: Clerk to respond to the consultation.
Cllr Ash resumed the chairmanship.

B. Planning Decisions

The following decisions were noted:

0291/24 WoodsmokeRe-build of office and dormer window including partial re-roof, at Woodsmoke, Belstone, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 1RDGranted Conditionally
24/0041 Tree workTree work on Tree Preservation Orders in conservation area at Foxes Holt, Belstone, EX20 1R During the summer break it was agreed by email to respond as follows: Belstone Parish Council has agreed that they have no objection to this application, by majority consent in the absence of a meeting.No objection to works.  

C. Other Planning Matters

Cllr Ash reported that a new planning application had been received on Wednesday. It was agreed to hold an extraordinary meeting to discuss this matter on Wednesday 18th January at 7.30pm.

0364/24 Church ParkGarage with work-from-home accommodation over, at Church Park, Belstone, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 1QZ

2024/25-058 Borough and County Councillor Statements

Cllr Lynn Daniel (West Devon Borough Council) had forwarded a report on the day of the meeting regarding the Wildlife Warden Scheme and batteries in recycling, which she presented. The full report is available on the website or by application to the Clerk. Cllr Hosegood asked how the Okehampton Interchange station was progressing, it is due for completion at the end of 2025 or in 2026.

2024/25-059 Chairman’s Announcements

Cllr Ash had noticed that the corner sign on Skaigh Lane is now full height again.

2024/25-060 Clerk’s Resignation

The Clerk had resigned her role in a letter to the chairman on 27th August 2024.
Proposal: The Clerk will leave at the end of September. Cllr Pike will take over the role as Acting Clerk in October and the position will be reviewed in April at the end of the financial year.
Proposer: Cllr Pike, Seconder: Cllr Cooper, agreed unanimously.
Action: Cllr Pike and the Clerk will liaise at the planning meeting next week.
Cllr Ash thanked Sally for her 3 years of service.

2024/25-061 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk’s report, previously circulated, was noted. The full report is available on the website or by application to the Clerk.

2024/25-062 Coronation Lantern

Cllr Pike had applied for another grant, to which he had not had a response. He has found a contractor, Grout Engineering, who can fit the lamp to the pole. However, he had found the Highways Lighting Department unhelpful, with the possibility that they would not turn off the main lamp. In view of the prospective expenditure of around £2,000 for which a grant has not been found, it was agreed to reconsider the idea of the solar lamp in about a year.
Cllr Booth proposed that a second-hand decorative lantern could be used for aesthetic reasons instead. It was agreed that this was a good idea, although it would probably need another planning application. Action: Cllr Booth will investigate sourcing a six-sided lantern.

2024/25-063 Asset Repairs

  • The Stocks – A resident in the village had offered to mend the stocks. The Clerk had sent him the details of Cllr Cooper and Cllr Ash who wish to review his plans and the oak that he has obtained, but they had not heard from him. Action: Clerk to send Cllr Cooper the resident’s details. Action: Cllr Cooper to contact him.
  • Green Brae Seat – Cllr Ash had looked at the seat and determined that it only needs a few screws. Action: Cllr Ash will mend the seat.
  • Cllr Weaver reported that she had cleaned out the bus shelter and somebody had been sleeping there.

2024/25-064 Parking outside Dove Cottage

Cllr Cooper reported that people had been parking outside Dove Cottage when the car park was full, the parking was dangerous and blocked the road.
It was agreed that a new sign similar to the sign at the Tors would be produced, saying ‘Please do not park on this verge’ to be used in the A-Frame which had been bought for the car park, and would be put out on busy weekends by councillors. Proposer: Cllr Cooper, Seconder: Cllr Grubb.
Action: Clerk to get 2 posters printed.
Action: Clerk to ask the Village Hall parking attendants at the Craft Fair to stop people parking there.

2024/25-065 Finance

A. Recent Transactions

  • Payments – ODCTG Grant £30, Zoho Email & Data Storage £103.68, SLCC Membership £56
  • Receipts – Interest July and August £7.30
  • Total Balance (09/09/24) £4,498.77 (including £670 election reserve, £148.89 Car Park Reserve)

B. Payments

The following payment was agreed:
• Clerk’s Wages July–September £557.08
Proposer: Cllr Weaver, Seconder: Cllr Grubb

2024/25-066 Councillor Training Reports

A. Planning Training

Cllr Grubb had shared a report and materials from the ‘Responding to Planning Applications’ training that she attended in June. This was noted. She also reported that she had attended the West Devon Matters meeting, which was mostly about anti-social behaviour in Tavistock and not very relevant. Cllr Grubb said that she was happy to attend those meetings in future.

B. Councillor Training

Cllr Hosegood had shared a report and materials from the ‘Being a Good Councillor’ training that she and Cllr Grubb had attended in May and June. This was noted.

2024/25-067 Projects for 2025/26 Budget

The following items will be costed for consideration in the 2025/26 draft budget.
• Decorative Lantern
• Data storage for all councillors

2024/25-068 Old Village Sign

Cllr Cooper and Cllr Booth had both requested the old village sign which is currently at the village hall. They had sorted out an agreement between themselves.

2024/25-069 Code of Conduct

It was agreed to approve the Code of Conduct again without any changes. The Chairman signed it.

2024/25-070 Items for Next Parish Council Agenda

The next scheduled full parish meeting will be on 11th November. Items due – Half-Year Budget Review, Budget for 2025/26, Diary for 2025, Dartmoor Sign near Hillside.

The meeting closed at 20.49 pm.
The date of the next meeting will be the planning meeting on Monday 18th September 2024 at 7.30pm.