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Parish Council Minutes – November 2019


  Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 26th November 2019

 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Meeting Room

Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike and Kate Little (Parish Clerk).

In attendance: Jane and Sean Lehni, Ella Curnow and Hugh Langworthy  

56.     Apologies: Paul Boyce

57.     Minutes of the meeting on 15th October 2019:  These were agreed and   signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.

58.     Matters Arising:

  • 2 Museums Walk – Having reconsidered the decision not to engage in this project, it was agreed that Cllr Theresa Weaver would attend a meeting with the other PCs involved.
  • The grit bins –   would be filled but there were no funds to provide additional bins as requested.
  • Repair of the village lamp post – Clerk to chase up
  • Dog Notices – These seem to be having some effect.  Clerk to replace those lost in the recent storms.
  • Village waste bin – Clerk to chase up removal.
  • Dangerous Livestock – This is the responsibility of the livestock owner.  Awaiting reply from the Belstone Commoner’s Association.

59.     Declarations of Interest: None

60.     Urgent Items Raised by the Chairman: None

61.     Correspondence:

  • Climate Change: Following consideration of a paper on climate change written by Cllr Theresa Weaver, it was Resolved that a working group made up of Parish Cllrs and other interested members of the community be set up and that Cllr Weaver would represent Belstone PC on other climate change groups and report back on progress. Proposed by Cllr Weaver and seconded by Cllr Pike.  A lovely picture was drawn by Alex from The Old Post Office to illustrate the hills of Belstone that need to be protected from climate change. [Alex’s

picture will be pinned up in the village hall].

  • Dartmoor Way Walking Route – The update was noted.  The wish to erect new posts needs to be referred to the landowner.
  • DALC Report of HATOC (Highways/Community Liaison) meeting 5th November 2019 – Noted
  • Grievances raised against Parish Cllrs – The general clarification email received from WDBC’s Monitoring Officer advised that these should be dealt with by her and not under a PC’s own Grievance Procedure.
  • Energy Saving Poster – Put on Village Hall Notice Board.

62.     2020/21 Parish Council Meeting Dates: Agreed.

63.     Financial Matters:

  • Draft 2020/21 Budget –  It was resolved to set a draft budget for 2020/21 with an increase of 4.27% on the precept – amended budget attached.  To be reviewed at the meeting on 7th January 2020.
  • Payments Made – £606.56 to WDBC for election expenses.  It was resolved to set up a direct debit arrangement with WDBC for all payments to the Borough Council.
  • Payments to be Made – £84 to DALC for training and £25 to North Dartmoor Search and Rescue (Section137 grant).
  • Council Diary – All timetabled tasks signed off as completed.
  • Pension Regulator – Belstone PC has been re-registered with the Pensions Regulator for the next three years.

64.     Planning Items:  The planning decisions for Tor Down House and the works       to protected trees at Lower Hobey were noted as was the submission of the   appeal at The Chalet, adj Bernard;s Acre.

65.     Highways:

  • The highway drainage issues at the village stocks and below the cricket ground were raised.  Cllr Jon Pike to report these.
  • Agreed to offer January 10th at 2.30pm to DCC Highways for ‘Doing what Matters’ project meeting.
  • To review progress on the cutting back of highway hedgerows at next meeting.

66.     Village Car Park:  All have been notified that the work will commence on 2nd           December, for two days.

67.     Review of the Code of Conduct:  This needs updating to take account of the Nolan Review 5 Principles of standards in public life.  Cllr Theresa     Weaver offered to undertake this task.

68.     DNP Forum:  This was attended by the Chairman who reported back on the           butterfly conservation project, the Rural Crime Initiative and the Glover       Review of National Parks.

69.     Any Other Business:  It was noted that a Christmas tree would be erected           again this year on the Centenary pillar on the village green.

There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25pm.

The next meeting will be on 7th January 2020, at 7.30pm

Agreed Actions

Meeting DateAction Responsibility
26.11.19Set up a Belstone climate change working groupCllr Theresa Weaver
       “Attend 2 Museums Walk meetingCllr Theresa Weaver
       “Report drainage issuesCllr Jon Pike
       “Update the Code of ConductCllr Theresa Weaver
       “Set up Highways meeting, chase up actions and re-do dog noticesClerk