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Parish Council Minutes – May 2019


  Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 21st May 2019

 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Meeting Room

Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver and Kate Little (Parish Clerk).

In attendance: None     

1.       Apologies: None

2.       Minutes of the Meeting of 5th March 2019:  These were agreed and signed       by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.

3.       Matters Arising:

  • The Westlake Seat – The replacement seat donated by David Westlake (in Australia), grandson of the original owner, is in place and the original plaque will be fixed onto it shortly.

4.       Minutes of the Planning Meeting of 16th April 2019:  These were agreed          and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.

5.       Matters Arising: None

6.       Declarations of Interest:  None

7.       Chairman’s Urgent Items:  None

8.       Finance:

  • The annual accounts for 2018/19 were agreed and are to be sent on to the internal auditor.
  • It was resolved to appoint Simon Herbert as the internal auditor.
  • The certificate of exemption for the accounts will be applied for once the internal audit has been completed.  This was agreed.
  • The final payments for the financial year 2018/19 were noted:
  • £960 to the clerk – full year salary
  • £120 to WDBC for payroll  – clerk to check on what is to be expected for this fee
  • £120 Income tax payment for clerk
  • The budget for the forthcoming year 2019/20 was reviewed and following  payments were approved:
  1. £64.29 to the Devon Assoc. of Local Councils (DALC) for 2019/20.
  2. £189.82 to Community First public liability insurance for 2019/20.

9.       Correspondence:

  • The potential planning application for a B&B at Taw Marsh underground reservoir was noted.
  • DNPA Dartmoor Way Walking Group referred to the Skaigh Wood Trust as owners of part of the route.
  • Damage to the Skaigh Wood seat – it was resolved to repair the seat.  The Chairman offered to undertake the work.
  • Training – whilst it was noted that there was no budget reserved for this, it was anticipated that only half of the budget allocated for the election would be required as a Borough Council election had also taken place and so the cost would be shared.  Funds should therefore come available for training for the new Council. It was agreed that Theresa Weaver would go on the training for new cllrs and Jon Pike and Ann Norman would attend the session on planning.  Clerk to make the bookings.

10.     Village Hall Car Park:

  • Peter Cooper is progressing the process of obtaining quotes for the kerbing along the full frontage of the car park.  It was agreed that this project needed to be expedited as the grant funding obtained towards the cost has to be committed by December 2019.  A contract will need to be drawn up for the successful contractor, which will include the necessity for a warranty for the work undertaken.
  • The use of the car park for long term parking will be discussed with those involved.
  • It was noted that adverts are appearing in the car park without the consent of the Parish Council which now holds the lease on the land.  It was agreed that rules for the use of the land will need to be created.  Clerk to produce a draft for next meeting.

11.     Council Diary: All the relevant tasks were completed and were signed off by       the Chairman and Vice Chairman.

12.     Highways:  The closure of the road from Tongue End Cross to Belstone     Cross was noted.

13.     AOB:

  • Resugga – clerk to check approved plans against work undertaken on site.
  • Devon County Cllr James McInnes to be invited to the next meeting.

Date of next meeting:  16th July 2019 at 7.30pm – the public are welcome to attend.

There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting to 9.10pm