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Annual Parish Council Meeting – May 2019


  Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 21st May 2019

 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Meeting Room

Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver and Kate Little (Parish Clerk).

In attendance: None     

1.       Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

  • Michael Ash was nominated as Chairman by Peter Cooper and seconded by Susan Norrish; and was duly elected.
  • Ann Norman was nominated as Vice Chairman by Michael Ash and seconded by Jon Pike; and was duly elected.
  • Acceptance of office forms were signed.

2.       Apologies: None

3.       The chairman welcomed Theresa Weaver as the new member of the Parish `           Council, following the elections on 2nd May 2019.

4.       Paperwork for new Council: Acceptance of office forms were signed by the           newly elected parish cllrs and each cllr completed their Declaration of Interest           forms to be sent to West Devon Borough Council.

5.       Representation on other bodies:

  • Village Hall Cttee representative – Susan Norrish
  • Eastern Links Cttee – attendance will be rotated – Ann Norman on 20th June, Jon Pike on 12th September and Theresa Weaver on 14th November.
  • The Sticklepath and Belstone School Charity – Peter Cooper will be the Belstone Trustee.

6.       Ballot for Parish Council representation on the Dartmoor National Park           Authority – It was resolved to vote for Gaye Hill from Chagford TC and      Derek Webber from Okehampton Hamlets PC.  [These two candidates were         duly elected to the DNPA].

7.       Meeting dates for the rest of the year:  These were noted – 16th July, 3rd           September, 15th October, 26th November 2019 and 7th January 2020.

8.       AOB: None