Parish Council Minutes – November 2018
Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on Wednesday 21st November 2018
at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Meeting Room
Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Elisabeth Emerson, Jon Pike and Kate Little (Clerk)
In Attendance: David Emerson, Richard Norrish, Sean & Jane Lehni, Jenny Gibbons, Colin and Helene Lawson, Dennis and Wendy King
1. Apologies: Susan Norrish
2. Declarations of Interest: None
3. Planning Item:
Land Adj Woodsmoke, Skaigh Lane, Belstone. DNPA ref: 590/18
Erection of dwelling and annex
Following an explanation of the proposal by the applicants and questions and comments by those members of the public present, it was resolved to Object to the proposal on the following grounds:
The proposal would have an adverse impact on Skaigh Lane by reason of additional traffic generated by the new dwelling onto a single track road which is not designed to carry the amount of traffic that is currently using it. In addition the entrance, which is also intended to provide access to a field for use by large agricultural machinery is located at a particularly narrow section of the lane.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm.