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Parish Council Minutes – October 2018


  Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th October 2018

at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Meeting Room

Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Elisabeth Emerson, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike and Kate Little (Parish Clerk).

In attendance: David Emerson

.         Apologies for absence: None

.         Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of 11th September 2018: Signed as       a correct record of the meeting.

.         Matters Arising:

  • HGVs going through the village to reach the army camp – No update had been received from DCC Highways.  Clerk to chase up.
  • Rew Meadow – No update had been received from the DNPA. Clerk to write letter expressing disappointment about the lack of progress.
  • The Westlake Seat – Clerk to contact David Westlake (grandson) to ask if the family wish to donate a new seat to replace the current one which has become unsafe and is to be removed.

4.       Declarations of Interest: None

5.       Urgent Items raised by the Chairman: None

6.       Correspondence:

  • Eastern Links Meeting notes – Noted
  • Superlinks meeting 5th December Kilworthy Park, Tavistock – The Elisabeth Emerson will attend.
  • National Park Forum – The Chairman will attend this Friday 23rd November.

7.       Clerk’s report:

  • Belstone car park lease – The landowner has agreed the lease prepared by Gilbert Stephens, solicitors and a fair copy will now be prepared for signatures.
  • Investing in Devon – Devon County Council has agreed to award Belstone Parish Council £2’000 towards the cost of the car park improvement project, following support for the application from Cllr James McInnes.  It was resolved to authorise the Parish Clerk to accept the terms and conditions of the offer on behalf of the Parish Council.

8.       Finance:

  • Annual budget as at 30th September 2018 – The half year budget was reviewed and found to be on target.  The current account stands at £1’707.41 and the Business Reserve Account stands at £997.12.
  • Election costs – May 2019 – SWDevon Council has advised that in the event that there is a Borough Council election for the seat encompassing Belstone as well as a Parish Council election, costs will be shared.  If only a Parish Council election is necessary, the Parish Council will bear the cost.  If there is no Parish Council election there will still be an administrative charge made for the initial paperwork involved.  The Parish Council has an allocated election reserve of £276.
  • Payments made – Parish Clerk’s half year salary £480.  Parish Clerk’s income tax payment £120.
  • TAP fund – drainage works – The application for an interim payment of £990 for Drainology’s investigations was submitted in June 2018.  The Clerk has chased payment for the last month and has finally been advised by SWDevon Council that payment will be made by the end of the week. 
  • S137 payments – It was resolved to award the Citizen’s Advice Bureau £15 from this fund.
  • Council Diary – All the listed tasks for this period were completed and signed off.
  • Online banking – It was resolved to authorise the Parish Clerk to become a signatory to the existing current account and to set up online banking for the Parish Council.

Thus it was resolved that the authorised signatories in the current mandate, for the accounts detailed in section 2, be changed in accordance with sections 5 and 6 and the current mandate will continue as amended.

9.       Planning items: Riverside Chalet (adj Barnard’s Acre).  The DNPA has    refused a Certificate of Lawfulness for a C3 dwelling house on the site, but       granted a Certificate for the use of the existing chalet for residential use.

10.     Highways:

  • Western Power road closures – These to take place in January /February 2019 and will include loss of power to certain properties.  These will be notified individually.  Plans of road closures will be put on the PC noticeboard.

11.     Standing Orders – annual review – No amendments were proposed and it        was resolved to continue with the existing standing orders for the next 12          months.

12.     Other Matters at the Discretion of the Chairman – None

There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm