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Parish Council Minutes – September 2018


  Minutes of the Meeting held on 11th September2018

at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Meeting Room

Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Elisabeth Emerson, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike and Kate Little (Parish Clerk).

In attendance: David Emerson and John Hartington

41.     Apologies for absence: None

42.     Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of  10th July 2018: The draft minute           relating to Rew Meadow was amended to read:

          ‘Clerk to contact the DNPA  again to ascertain whether enforcement            action is being taken regarding the continued presence of the                         mobile home on the site, partly in the adjoining paddock.’

          The minutes were then signed as a correct record of the meeting.

43.     Matters Arising:

                   Rew Meadow: The email from the DNPA regarding the definition of                      ancillary accommodation in a mobile home was noted, but the Council                  remained concerned that no action was being taken against                                  infringements of the planning legislation.  Wait to hear back regarding a                further visit to the site by the Enforcement Officers.

                   TAP Fund: The remaining £495 of the TAP fund grant available to the                  Parish Council remains unspent.  Consideration was given to how the                   village centre drains could be kept cleared throughout the winter                           months. Clerk to investigate possible solutions.

44.     Declarations of Interest:  Susan Norrish declared an interest in the land at           Perryman’s item.

45.     Urgent Items Raised by the Chairman:  There were none.

46.     Correspondence:

  • The land at Perryman’s correspondence was noted.
  • The Devon Association of Local Councils Annual Report 2017/18 was circulated.

47.     Clerk’s Report:

  • Belstone Car Park.  The Council resolved to agree the draft lease prepared by Gilbert Stephens, Solicitors.  This is now to be sent to the landowner for agreement.
  • Review of Parish Seats. The amended inventory was agreed. Discussion took place regarding the Westlake Seat as the Council has been contacted by David Westlake regarding his Grandfather’s seat below the Green (Seat 16), which is now in a questionable state of repair.  The history of the seat is that it was presented to Mr Westlake for good works in the Parish and it was kept in his garden until he died.  Mrs Westlake then asked the Commoners’/PC to put it out on the common.  Clerk to contact David Westlake to see if he wants to donate and provide upkeep for a new seat in his Grandfather’s memory.
  • Internet Security.  The Parish Council is hosted on the Belstone Village website and consequently has all the appropriate internet security.
  • Snow Wardens.  The Parish Council is not involved in this scheme.

48.     Finance:

  • The second Parish Precept of £881.50 has been received. 
  • No payments have been made since the last meeting.
  • Agreed to pay the Parish Clerk £29.98 for printer ink.
  • Council Diary – relevant items signed off.  Review of Standing Orders to be dealt with at the next meeting.

49.     Planning Items:  The withdrawal of the Burl planning application was noted,           along with the approval of the Bernard Acre and Foxes Holt applications (the           latter for works to protected trees).

50.     Highways:

  • The schedule of highway repair works received form DCC Highways was noted.  This includes the section of highway between Tongue End and Eagle House.  Works to take place some time between September 2018 and March 2019.
  • The application for an Invest in Devon grant for the car park has gone forward for determination with the support of Cllr James McInnes.

51.     Other Matters at the Discretion of the Chairman:

  • Mr Hartington of Foxes Holt asked that in the event of another planning application being received for Burl, a member of the Parish Council visit both his home and Skaigh Stables Farm to assess the proposal.  The Council had no objection to this request.  NB. Any visit will involve the whole Council.
  • Heavy goods vehicles heading for the Army Camp coming through the village and getting stuck.  Drivers are ignoring the direction sign at the A30 exit slip road and relying on their sat. navs.  The possibility of a width restriction sign at Tongue End or a ‘no access to Camp’ sign was discussed.  Clerk to contact DCC Highways.

There being no other matters, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm.