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Parish Council Minutes – 4th April 2018

Belstone Parish Council

Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 4th April 2018

at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Meeting Room

Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike and Kate Little (Parish Clerk).

In attendance: Michael and James Reddaway, Andrew Terry and Robin Hill.

The Chairman welcomed the new Parish Clerk into her post.

1. Apologies for absence: Elizabeth Emerson

2. Declarations of Interest: Peter Cooper declared a personal interest – he is related to the land owner.

3. Car Park Potholes: Following discussion with Daryl Jaggar of DCC Highways Dept it has been agreed that the repair of the potholes from Tongue End, up to the car park will take place in the programme of works for 2018/19 financial year.  However, it is unclear whether DCC will deal with those potholes which it determines are within the car park. In future a demarcation line between the highway and the car park should be created by means of a low kerb – the Dartmoor National Park Authority (DNPA) does not object to this being of precast concrete.

On the question of the future of the public car park, Michael Reddaway, the land owner, offered the Parish Council a restricted lease, subject to conditions to be agreed for a period of not less than 10 years, at a peppercorn rent.  There was discussion as to whether this should include the resident’s parking area and the fenced trees around the car park.  A definitive plan would be required.

The Chairman proposed that the Parish Council accept the principal of a restricted lease on the car park.  This was agreed unanimously.

Action: Clerk to draw up draft Heads of Terms for the lease for further negotiation.

There was a general discussion regarding the funding of the repair and kerbing of the car park, together with the need for a risk assessment to be done for the public liability insurance cover.

Date of next meeting: It was agreed that another extraordinary meeting would be required to take the matter forward in due course.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked the members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.25pm.