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Parish Council Minutes – 17th April 2018

Belstone Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 17th April 2018

at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Meeting Room

Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike and Kate Little (Parish Clerk).

4. Apologies for absence: Elizabeth Emerson

5. Minutes of the Meeting of 20th March 2018: Signed as a correct record of the meeting.

6. Matters Arising:

  1. The TAP grant offer form was signed by the Chairman.
  2. It was noted that the seat in Skaigh Lane had not yet been repaired.

7. Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of 4th April 2018: Signed as a correct record of the meeting.

8. Matters Arising: None

9. Declarations of Interest: Susan Norrish declared a personal interest in the Lawson letter item and left the room for the duration of the item.

10. Urgent Items Raised by the Chairman:

  1. The new Parish Clerk and Financial Officer’s signed contract was accepted.

11. Correspondence:

  1. The Eastern Links meeting on 21st May was noted.
  2. It was resolved to pay the annual subscription to the District Association of Local Councils (DALC).
  3. Letter from Graham and Helene Lawson:  The Council considered the ethics of responding to this pre planning application letter, but having done so for other potential planning applicants at the last meeting, it was decided that to be fair a response should be given.  After careful consideration the following was resolved:

The Parish Council is conscious that the proposed building site is outside the development boundary for the village, but without prejudice to it’s view when it receives the formal planning consultation, it supports the principle of a dwelling on this plot of land.

12. Clerks Report:

  1. Villages in Action – a request for funding was not supported.
  2. DNPA reorganised Ranger Service – there would no change in this area and Ian Brooker would remain as the local ranger.

13. Finance:

  1. Accounts for the year 2017-18 – the Internal audit has been completed and it was resolved to agree the accounts
  2. Parish Precept – the first instalment has not yet been received from West Borough Council.
  3. Current state of finances and petty cash – this remains as at the end of year position noted in 1. above.
  4. Payments made – the former Clerk’s last salary has been paid.
  5. Payments to be made – DALC – clerk to arrange payment.
  6. Council Diary: Checked and signed.

14. Planning Matters:

  1. The Council noted that planning permission has been granted for replacement of cricket pavilion, Belstone Cricket Club, Rew Meadow, Belstone
  2. Proposed replacement of existing store with studio/workroom and car shelter at Beechcroft, Belstone – No Objection

15. Highway Matters:

  1. The filling of the potholes half way between Tongue End and the car park appear to be of a temporary nature.
  2. The proposed Heads of Terms for a lease for the village car park were discussed and it was agreed that these now be send to the landowner for consideration.
  3. Village drainage system – it was agreed that the residual TAP grant funds be used to secure the services of a lengthsman.  DCC to be contacted to ascertain rates of pay per hour.
  4. Clerk to follow up with DCC Highways as to when the central village drainage system clearing work would be undertaken, following Drainology’s survey work.

16. Other Matters at the Discretion of the Chairman:

  1. The agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting on 1st May was agreed.
  2. Seats – the need for repairs were noted.
  3. The fixed asset register items were checked.
  4.  The need to repair to the Parish Council notice board was agreed.
  5.  Unfortunately the Council’s delegate had been unable to attend the DNPA Planning Workshop

17. Dates of next meetings:  Annual Parish Meeting, Tuesday 1st May 2018 and Annual Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 29th May 2018.

The meeting ended at 9.00pm